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Enhance your leadership – understand how your brain works

My interest in neuroscience has been piqued recently and I thought I would share a brilliant free self assessment with you.
Social Cognitive Neuroscience can give you invaluable information as to how your brain works – and help you to become a more effective leader.  Neuroscience tells us that five things matter when it comes to managing yourself for profound results:
  1. Status
  2. Certainty
  3. Autonomy
  4. Relatedness
  5. Fairness


Understanding which of these five domains are key drivers for you increases self awareness as to why you (and others) behave as they do in certain social interactions.  Knowing more about your own reactions leads to better self regulation and gives you more options when dealing with other people.Take the free SCARF self-assessment by clicking on this link:  SCARF Solutions Self Assessment.Knowing your preferences within the SCARF model can help you:
  • Understand your own reactions and those of others
  • Better regulate your emotions
  • Better communicate your needs to others
  • Make choices more suited to your own preferences
I hope you find this as valuable as I did.




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Relevant: Future-Focused Leadership | Available on Amazon and all good online booksellers
