


Transformative Future-Focused thinking and skills for today's leadership teams

Future-Focused Leadership Masterclass

Adapt and thrive in our complex, uncertain, AI-infused world of work.

Are you ready to elevate your leadership team's ability to adapt and thrive in our complex, uncertain, AI-infused world of work? Welcome to the Future-Focused Leadership Masterclass, a transformative multi-session learning experience designed to equip your team with the thinking and skills needed to lead the future with confidence, today.

In an era defined by complexity, uncertainty and rapid technological advancement, the ability to lead with foresight and adaptability is more critical than ever. This Masterclass is designed specifically for teams who recognise the need to elevate their capacity to collaborate, navigate challenges, and seize emergent opportunities in our rapidly evolving world of work.

Over six meticulously crafted sessions, Louise will guide your team though essential future-focused perspectives, frameworks, models and tools to bridge the gap between today’s business models and what's next. By the end of this Masterclass, your team will have developed the skills and strategic thinking to make better sense of what's going on, adapt, and act with greater clarity, purpose, and decisiveness. 

In a world where the next decade promises more change than the last century, now is the time to be intentional about how we navigate the future. Join Louise Mowbray on this highly relevant learning experience, ensuring your leadership team is empowered to shape a sustainable and thriving future.

Masterclass Takeaways

  • Navigate Context and Complexity: Learn to navigate the internal and external complexities of our AI-infused world. Understand the broader drivers impacting decision-making, and develop the foresight to lead with confidence in uncertainty.
  • Foster Conscious Leadership and Collaboration: Develop a deeper self-awareness, cultivate conscious leadership and strengthen team coherence. Embrace diversity, identify blind spots, and build collaborative relationships to drive innovative ways forward.
  • Develop Future-Focused Lenses: Reframe events and situations through future-focused lenses, identify early signals of change and make informed decisions. Integrate this thinking into your strategy to empower your team to think exponentially, act incrementally, and lead your organisation towards sustainable success.

Forge a new way of working. Together.

We start this Masterclass from a behavioural science-based foundation, utilising award-winning Lumina Learning Portraits. This empowers you and your team members with valuable insight into your dynamic personalities and generates the behavioural science data for subsequent sessions.

Drawing on years of practical experience, expertise, insight and the most up-to-date research, frameworks, models and tools, Louise guides your team through a series of future-focused lenses, why they are essential now and, crucially, when and how to use them.

Behavioural Science-Based Foundations

Six Future-Focused Lenses on the World

Six Live Sessions – hybrid or virtual

Six Future-Focused Lenses on the World

"As a new era of work stretches out before us, how we think, rather than what we think will shape the future we desire."

  • 1. Context | Context is internal and external – a snapshot of who and where we are in time and space, and how we think about, react and respond to events and situations. Explore our current context of complexity and uncertainty, leading in an AI-infused world, trust and truth, ethics and decision-making, and our social, environmental and political drivers.
  • 2. Conscious Leadership and Team Coherence | Develop your self-awareness, conscious leadership and future-fit capabilities. We use Lumina's tools to empower you to understand yourself and your team members well, and enable more authentic connections between you. Value each other’s differences, identify any blind spots and biases and collaborate to forge a new way of working together.
  • 3. Systems Thinking and Complexity | Appreciate the interconnectedness of all things and shift from observing events or data in isolation to connecting the dots and looking at it in terms of wholes, relationships and patterns. Complex or Complicated? Understand the difference and learn to make sense of and work with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. Gain invaluable insight into the emergent challenges and opportunities in your business ecosystems. 
  • 4: Futures Thinking and Foresight | Use the push of the present, weight of the past and pull of the future to intentionally drive your business agenda towards a desired future. Learn to explore multiple potential futures, identify early signals of change, and use foresight to inform your strategy so that you are better prepared for whatever it holds. 
  • 5: Agile Thinking & Innovative Behaviours | We use Lumina's models and tools to give you instant insight into where you fit into the innovation cycle, both individually and as a team, and empower you to create the cultural conditions for ideation, experimentation and innovation in your organisation.
  • 6: Integration & Application | Using all that you've discovered and learned, apply the future-focused lenses to current or emergent strategically important projects to embed your collective thinking, and integrate it into your day-to-day working lives.
Louise is an extraordinarily gifted communicator, a creative and original thinker. It was a pleasure and privilege to participate.
Dr. Ronnie Stangler


Participants will receive a copy of: Relevant: Future-Focused Leadership | Available on Amazon

Ready to book this Masterclass for your team?

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"As you see the future, so you act - and as you act, so you become."

Barbara Hubbard, Futurist & Author

As leaders, our most significant challenges lie in honing our ability to make sense of our world of work, connect the dots, filter out noisy distractions, deepen our connection to one another and collaborate. All in the prevailing context of complexity and uncertainty. Yet very few leaders and executive teams are adequately prepared.

We're wired to avoid uncertainty and yet, we know the future is unlikely to be anything we're able to accurately predict or plan for. It also holds the greatest opportunity for novel and exponential growth if we're able to develop our thinking and work better, together.

We know we'll experience more change across the sciences, technology, the environment and society in the next 10 years than we have done in the last 100. Bridging the gap between today's business models and what's next calls for a fresh, future-focused perspective, informed by a set of mental models or our 'lenses on the world'. 

If the last few years have been all about unplanned reinvention, now is the time for leaders to be intentional about equipping themselves to better navigate the future, together.

Meet Louise

Louise is the Founder of Mowbray by Design, the Future-Focused Conscious Leadership Consultancy. She specialises in The Future of Work and Leadership, working with clients around the world at the intersection of leadership, futures, transformation and purpose-driven business.
Louise is a Conscious Leadership Coach (ICF), Natural Foresight® Practitioner (TFSX) and a Lumina Learning Practitioner. She is a sought after keynote speaker, an occasional visiting lecturer for business schools, and a regular guest on podcasts, panel discussions and at live events.

Host of 'LIFT: Lead Into the Future Today', she also co-hosts the 'In Conversation: Exploring the Future with Global Thinkers' series. 
