
Louise’s Life Hacks – 11 May 2017

Louise's Life Hacks

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I’m watching (and enjoying)…
The story of God with Morgan Freeman (National Geographic) where he explores the meaning of life, God, and other big questions in an effort to understand how religion has evolved and shaped society. If you enjoy this type of documentary, you may have caught Reza Aslan on CNN travelling the world and immersing himself in the world’s most fascinating faiths in the series Believer, which leaves us with one question to ponder: “What do I believe?”

I’m grateful…
To everyone who given me such incredible feedback on my new masterclass.  Thank you so much! It’s pointless creating in a vacuum and your comments and messages are hugely appreciated. If you weren’t able to join me last time, you can watch it here: Build A High-Impact Personal Leadership Brand. And please do let me know your thoughts?

I’m curious about…
Elon Musk.  All things Elon Musk.  He discusses his new project digging tunnels under LA, the latest from Tesla and SpaceX, and his motivation for building a future on Mars in conversation with TED’s Head Curator, Chris Anderson, titled “The Future We’re Building – And Boring“.  We know all of this is coming and right now my advice to clients is to get really good at working with and leading people.  It’s the one thing AI, Robotics and Machine Learning can never replace. As I write this, the word never seems to chuckle to itself…

The Big Q I’m asking… 
“Is this really the truth?” This conscious Q is helping me to take a deep dive into things I accept as the truth, and yet perhaps they are just my unexplored subconscious conditioning?  It’s initially disconcerting and a touch uncomfortable – and ultimately liberating if that makes sense?[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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