
Leadership Personality Test

Career & Business, Conscious Leadership, Culture & Diversity, Development & Performance

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Are all personality assessments created equal?

How many leadership personality tests have you done over the course of your career? If you’re anything like the rest of us, probably at least as many as the number of times you’ve changed jobs. And let’s not forget all of the leadership/team/change/culture projects and engagements over the years.

I distinctly remember my first. It was a team-building offsite in the English countryside and the test was Myers-Briggs or MBTI. Interestingly enough, and for a myriad of reasons, the test is now considered to be notoriously inconsistent.

Years later, when I worked as a retained headhunter in London, we had an entire department dedicated to leadership personality tests. The practitioners used multiple assessments for each candidate on the shortlist, which usually steered the client towards a particular outcome.  Often, clients would ignore the results and go with their gut feelings about a candidate. This made me question not only the accuracy but the purpose of the assessments.  Apart from mitigating risk, how useful are they in securing the right person for the job?

Over the years I have developed a healthy scepticism around many of the assessments on the market for three reasons:

The first is accuracy and how useful they are as personal, team, cultural and overall organisational developmental tools. The second is how well they predict behaviour and the third is really down to observing people using their assessment as an identity, a suit of armour.

What I mean by this is that we know our self-development really evolves through three phases – self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-mastery. And each time we step up to a new challenge or role, we get to do it all again.

The downside to most leadership personality tests is that many people walk away with only the first phase, self-awareness. And unfortunately, it’s often worn like a suit of armour. We have all heard leaders proclaim how rubbish they are at, for example, active listening [add any trait here] and then continuing to not listen.  Some, if they are lucky, gain an element of the second, which is in-depth self-knowledge. Few get to self-mastery or being able to consciously make the right decisions in the moment, despite how we think or feel.  In our complex, crazy, fast-paced world of work, this is without a doubt what we are all striving for.

With all of this in mind, I have been on the search for a leadership personality test that would add significant value to my work as a coach, consultant and facilitator. And the good news is, I’m delighted to say I’ve finally found it.  I need an emoji here!

Lumina Learning is a global learning organisation that is not only incredibly innovative, but they are also playing a highly disruptive role in the industry. I love disruptors, especially when the innovations they bring to market are so powerful, one really cannot continue with business as usual.

Lumina specialise in assessments that honour the uniqueness and diversity of the individual, which is a winner for me.

The company, which operates in 40 countries, has an integrated suite of digital psychometric resources and a fabulous app. They use the depth of the empirical Big Five personality theory and the simplicity of colours to produce a dynamic range of transformational solutions.  At the heart of all they do is the drive to enable people to perform optimally and live fulfilled lives. 

Their innovative psychometrics reveal people’s dynamic personalities. Their products accelerate collaboration, creativity and problem-solving. And their tools ignite curiosity and empower individuals to develop themselves.  Having tried Lumina myself, I am happy to attest to all of this.

And the best news of all is that I have twenty free assessments to give away to my community…

If you would like to experience Lumina Learning for yourself, please click on the button below to apply and make sure you choose the right option for yourself.  Feel free to send me a mail if you’re not sure which option suits you best.  I only have twenty assessments to give away so do register your interest now.  There are no strings attached.

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