The International Coaching Week (ICF) is coming up in May. In celebration of all that coaching delivers in achieving powerful results, I will be speaking at a number of events and putting out some rather special offers so watch this space!
“Professional coaching is a powerful experience that is shifting corporate culture from command and control to collaboration and creativity. Coaching is developing stronger leaders, better communicators, more productive employees and increasingly positive people.”
There is a great article in The World Financial Review by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Definitely worth a read if you are interested in the ROI of coaching. I have lifted a small piece of it here – click on this link for the full article.
Coaching satisfaction and uses
Results of the International Coach Federation’s (ICF) 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Association Resource Centre, show that professional coaching within companies is proven to have a solid, measurable impact on business solutions and success. Globally, 99 percent of coaching clients surveyed were very or somewhat satisfied with their experience, and 96 percent of coaching clients indicated that they would repeat the coaching process.
The vast majority (86 percent) of those able to provide figures to calculate company return on investment (ROI), indicated that their company had at least made their investment back. Above and beyond that, 28 percent saw ROI of 10 to 49 times the investment. The median company return was seven times the initial investment.
Optimizing individual/team performance, expanding professional career opportunities, and improving business management strategies, are the top three areas in which professional coaching is being used, according to the 2010 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study. More details on this research can be found at