
Autonomania Trend Briefing with Maxwell Luthy

AI, Business Trends, Innovation, Insight, Inspiration, Motivation, Perspective

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If your business is consumer focused and you are wondering how AI is changing the landscape,  October’s Trend Briefing from Trend Watching delivers insight into “Autonomania”, or how consumers are embracing brands that free them up from tedious tasks.  Maxwell Luthy, Director of Trends and Insights delivers five trends bringing Autonomania to life.  You can watch the video or read the full briefing here.

Consumers will embrace the brands that free them up from tedious tasks and allow them to focus on what matters.

Creativity, humankind’s proudest trait, is being automated.

When bots handle consumers’ self-improvement, mindlessness will be the new mindfulness.

Retailers beware; shoppers will outsource their smarts!

Today, making connections is easy. Social skills, however, take work… or do they?

I am particularly interested in the third trend, that of “Motivated Mindlessness” or how AI is delivering automated self-improvement.  It leaves me wondering how this may be used to motivate our own and others’ leadership, professional and career development?

In this the era of mindful or conscious leadership, business and capitalism, being aware of what we need to focus on in developing ourselves, our people and our businesses is where our deeply challenging and vitally rewarding journey begins.  Can this journey, or at least the element of keeping ourselves motivated and on track be automated using AI?  Perhaps – it certainly warrants investigation…


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