If you don’t get it I’ll give you a hint:
relax your eyes and you you may find
“there is light even in the darkest places”
“Getting real is tough. It requires determination and a distinct purpose, desire, passion, drive, curiosity, honesty and integrity – to be the best we can possibly be. Right now in this moment.“
What this really means is getting conscious, getting purposeful; chucking out the stuff that doesn’t work for us any more and moving on.And yes, it’s not easy. Working towards the good stuff is never easy. Saying this, the results are always worthwhile – delightful even 🙂 Staying stuck in our “uncomfort zone” is always rather painful to say the least! And I am sure you get what I mean.So take the leap, cross the chasm, be the brave heart you know you are. Whatever you do, be the very best you can be and never descend into your deepest darkest place. You know you can do anything you desire with the right mindset.
This year is all about forward motion. Thankgawd. Last year felt really sticky – a little like wading through treacle in oversized wellies. Well, I’ll speak for myself! What I do know is the opportunities will now come your way – fast and furious. Begin to recognise them as they hit you and grab them in the moment with both hands before they move on and disappear.
Get a coach, get a mentor, all the top bods have one. As do I – as a Coach and Mentor I always subscribe. After all, I’m nothing without a mirror to my soul.Have a good one 🙂
PS My offer on The Wild Card is still open to you until the 31st January 2013. If you want to start this year blazingly hot, click on this link to find out more and to get your Coupon Code for 50% off.