“The technology likely to have the greatest impact in the next few decades is not social media, big data, robotics or even AI. It’s the underlying technology of digital currencies like bitcoin.” Don Tapscott, Futurist
I first heard Mr Tapscott speak in London about ten years ago and I was blown away. He was voted the 4th most influential speaker in 2015 by the Thinkers50 Awards and back in 2006, it struck me that Don’s research programmes were worth keeping an eye on. You can explore further here: Don Tapscott
Mr Tapscott’s recent TED talk in June this year titled How the blockchain is changing money and business once again brings us big picture social, business and economic insight into what is and will undoubtedly change how we do what we do – within a very short period of time. “What is the blockchain? If you don’t know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott is here to help, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of the internet and holds the potential to transform money, business, government and society.”