
Truthful Consumerism

Career & Business, Trends & Innovation

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“If ever there was a time when our collective human desire and determination to create and live in a better world were true, surely that time is now.”
Trendwatching have just released their quarterly report titled “Truthful Consumerism” and I thought I would pass this on to you as it not only echo’s this sentiment, it illustrates the powerful, positive action we as consumers are taking.  It also shines a spotlight on those companies who seem to be getting it right.
Amid all the change and uncertainty of this moment, a set of core truths about our shared future are as relevant as ever. Transparency. Aspiration. Positive Impact. Tolerance. Empowerment. These truths are powerful – and positive – directions of travel sweeping through many advanced and emerging economies.

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*If you don’t have time for the video, click on this link for the online report including region-specific insights…

I hope you find this as valuable as I did – and 5 key questions you might find useful post video:
  1. What is my experience of this – where is this true for me / my business / my sector?
  2. Where are the opportunities to get creative and innovate in my role, team or business?
  3. How will this effect my strategy going forward, what adjustment do I need to make?
  4. How does my thinking need to shift in order to do this?
  5. What will my career/business look like this time next year?


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