
The Top 5 Leadership Qualities You Need Today


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These are considered to be the five most sought-after qualities you need to develop to lead effectively in today’s disruptive world of work. 

Much has been written about agility, creativity, innovation, curiosity and perspective and yet our ability to develop these qualities in ourselves and others often requires a very practical approach.  Firstly, we need to unpack what each of these qualities really mean and then explore the specific areas we need to develop within ourselves.   Once we have a clear idea, we need an action plan to realise the change we have identified.  Afterall, theory without action is dead!

Leadership agility is considered the master competency in navigating our VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) global business environment.  In Bill Joiner and Stephen Joseph’s book Leadership Agility, the authors estimate only 10% of leaders have mastered the level of agility needed for consistent effectiveness in our turbulent era of global competition.

So let’s unpack these five qualities in brief in the context of leading in today’s disruptive environment:

  1. Agility:  The mental and emotional ability to adapt to volatility and change as it occurs – unexpected or anticipated.
  2. Creativity:  A constant quest for the next big idea to drive your business forward.
  3. Innovation:  The ability to transform ‘big ideas’ into action and business success.
  4. Curiosity:  A mindset of relentless exploration, research and questioning into broad social and economic trends (past, present, future).
  5. Perspective:  The ability to understand the broader climate and context in which you operate.

These five critical qualities work together to deliver a mindset best equipped to navigate today’s disruptive economy.  They are as fluid, dynamic and ever evolving as our business environment.

Work with a coach or mentor to assist you here.  Focusing on your own development will free you up from any habitual ways of thinking (and doing) that may be inadvertently curbing your progress, and will ultimately serve you extremely well.


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