rated excellent

Lumina Spark Portrait


Take the Lumina Learning Spark Portrait in approximately 20 minutes online to reveal your whole, dynamic personality and how you behave under different circumstances.

Take the Lumina Spark Portrait in approximately 20 minutes online.

The Lumina Learning Spark Portrait reveals your whole, dynamic personality giving you a unique portrait of who you really are and how you behave under different circumstances. In one tool, it provides three lenses that assess your underlying persona, your everyday persona, and your overextended persona, giving you consistent insights into your whole personality.

Lumina Spark inspires people to develop skills most needed in today’s world of work – adaptability, agility, a growth mindset, partnering, authenticity and the ability to lead yourself and others. Increase your self-awareness, reveal hidden potential and cope better under pressure. Discover practical actions for improved communication, teamwork and leadership.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will receive an email from Lumina with a link to download your Portrait and Workbook.
