Ignite, develop and harness your team's innate capabilities to drive innovative growth

Reframe your collective thinking around agility, creativity and innovation

This transformative, multi-session Masterclass empowers executives and leaders to be agile and ignites their ability to be creative and innovative. Attendees will leave this Masterclass with a deep insight into their innate capabilities, and have the thinking, skills and capabilities to foster an organisational culture of ideation, experimentation and innovation.

Today, we are at an inflexion point with a new era of work stretched out before us. If we don't invest in developing our ability to be agile, creative and innovative, we will always be in pursuit of those who have. The world keeps turning, global contexts keep shifting, creative minds keep innovating, and change doesn't wait for us to catch up. It's all right here, right now. 

We often associate innovation with technology, the sciences and engineering, and creativity with the arts or design. It's something 'other people do'. In reality, being agile, creative and innovative is all about igniting our innate human capabilities and fostering the conditions for this thinking to thrive, creating tangible value for our organisations. 

Ignite a fresh new approach to Agility, Creativity and Innovation

This Masterclass has been meticulously designed to empower participants with vital new perspectives, skills and capabilities. Discover how to be agile, ignite creativity and create the conditions for a thriving culture of innovative thought and action. 

We start with a behavioural science-based foundation, utilising Lumina Learning's Agile Thinking and Innovative Behaviours models. This empowers attendees with valuable insight into their dynamic personalities and generates the behavioural science data for subsequent sessions.

Behavioural Science-Based Foundations

Three Live Sessions

In-person, hybrid or virtual

Three Live Monthly Check-In's 

Masterclass Structure


This Masterclass includes pre-work where Louise works with you, gets deeply curious, asks loads of questions, listens deeply and gets clear on your purpose. She tailors the Masterclass your business and the context in which you operate and establishes measurable outcomes before the engagement starts.


Attendees are then sent a link to the award-winning Lumina Spark Portrait, which takes approximately twenty-minutes to complete online. This delivers the behavioural science insights, which are the foundation of this Masterclass. Each participant will receive a full Personality Profile followed by a sixty-minute one-to-one feedback coaching session with Louise.


Having gained the foundation of self-knowledge, we then come together for three fully interactive in-person, hybrid or virtual sessions.


We subsequently meet online for 60-minutes on a monthly basis over the course of 3 months to support participants to use all they have learned in their day-to-day business lives.


Session 1: Introduction and Behavioural Science Insights

  • Overview of the Masterclass objectives and agenda
  • Understand the current business context, the nature of ideation, experimentation and innovation and the thinking that helps and hinders people and organisations to grow.
  • Using Lumina's insights, understand where you fit into the innovation cycle, individually and collectively and identify and unleash the powerful diversity your team offers.

Session 2: Agile Thinking and Creativity

  • Understand the nature of agile thinking and creativity and the cognitive flexibility and emotional agility needed to adapt to different contexts and environments. 
  • Discover a flexible and adaptive approach to problem-solving, decision-making and learning. Develop the ability to be open, curious and willing to embrace uncertainty, ambiguity and change. 
  • Learn how to use different thinking styles to generate creative ideas, challenge conventional thinking, question assumptions and consider multiple perspectives. 

Session 3: Innovative Behaviours

  • Discover why shifting the focus from outcomes (innovation) to focusing on thinking and behaviours empowers people to be agile, creative and innovative.
  • Understand the conditions, affordances and constraints in any innovation cycle and establish the environment needed to foster a thriving culture of creativity, ideation and experimentation.
  • Flesh out your innovation strategy and create a roadmap for achieving it.


Agility, Creativity & Innovation Masterclass

Meet Louise

Louise is the Founder of Mowbray by Design, the Future-Focused Conscious Leadership Consultancy. She specialises in The Future of Work and Leadership, working with clients around the world at the intersection of leadership, futures, transformation and purpose-driven business.
Louise is a Conscious Leadership Coach (ICF), Natural Foresight® Practitioner (TFSX) and a Lumina Learning Practitioner. She is a sought after keynote speaker, an occasional visiting lecturer for business schools and a regular guest on podcasts, panel discussions and live events.

Host of 'LIFT: Lead Into the Future Today', she also co-hosts the 'In Conversation: Exploring the Future with Global Thinkers' series. 
