
Louise’s Life Hacks: The interconnectedness of all things, The Tipping Point, New Power, Future Builders, Biohacking, Leading into the future & The Big Q…

Business Trends, Career & Business, Conscious Leadership, Development & Performance, Insight & Inspiration, Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Louise's Life Hacks, Personal Leadership Brand, Strategic Foresight, Trends & Innovation, Wellbeing

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I’ve been working on putting together a new peer-to-peer Mastermind on building an Authentic Leadership Brand for today’s world of work – a topic I regularly coach, mentor and speak on.  

When I first started working with leaders on their personal brands in 2005, Facebook, the first platform of its kind, had only just launched the year before. Today’s levels of transparency about what’s going on in the world; around boardroom tables, on shop floors and in our neighbours’ drawing rooms, courtesy of social and digital media, simply did not exist.

I’ve been thinking…
About the interconnectedness of all things and it reminded me of Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point, published in 2000.  Gladwell explored 
that magic moment when ideas, trends and social behaviour cross a threshold, tip and spread like wildfire.  Essentially a pre-mass-digital-age insight and explanation into how a #movement is born.  

And later listening to Don Tapscott at an event in London around the time he published G
rown Up Digital, which was essentially a field guide for Baby-Boomers and Gen-X’ers into how young people, who have grown up on a digital diet, process information along different neural pathways. i.e. They think differently.  Tapscott, who is ranked as the top Digital Thinker in the world by Thinkers50, published Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies is Changing the World, which he co-authored with his son Alex in 2016.

And very recently… 
ew Power: How It’s Changing The 21st Century – And Why You Need To Know by Henry Timms and Jeremy Heimans.  I absolutely loved this book.  If you haven’t yet devoured it, it’s a must. Timms and Heimans artfully connect the dots in our changing values, digital enablers and surging global movements, bringing together all that we’ve learned in the last decade (and a bit), clearly revealing the interconnectedness of technology, culture, the environment and us, the people. 

Last week…
I attended a GIBS Forum with Dr Norman Chorn, Future Builders, which was a fabulous session. A symphony of Neuroscience, Strategic Foresight & Scenario Planning, Systems Thinking (or Conscious Leadership & Business) and a bundle of other stuff that sparked the grey matter.  It’s truly inspiring bearing witness to someone weaving the threads of the modalities that speak to where we are at and what leading into the future looks, feels and sounds like.

I’m biohacking… 
My brain-chemistry, which is something we all do, every single day in the form of the foods we eat and our lifestyles.  Only I’m doing it specifically with a ketone supplement, which raises levels of GABA, an amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.  GABA calms down the excitatory nervous system and raises serotonin levels… the perfect antidote to stress, anxiety and overwhelm.  The brain fog has gone, the mental clarity is a vibrant hum, I’m full of energy and it seems I am not the only one loving this!  Send me a mail if you’d like to learn more…

I’ll be announcing…
Dates for my upcoming Mastermind soon.  Essentially six live, peer-2-peer group coaching sessions over the course of three months on building an Authentic Leadership Brand in today’s world of work.  It’s practical, down to earth, rooted in authenticity and if your focus is on becoming an overnight Instagram millionaire, you might want to sit this one out!  Learn more and register your interest if this is for you.

The Big Q I’m asking…
“Where do I choose to play?”  This conscious Q keeps me focused on where and with whom I choose to spend my time and energy…

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