
Louise’s Life Hacks – 2 June 2017

Louise's Life Hacks, Uncategorized

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I’ve created…
All of this talk got me thinking about how I can help others who are feeling this way to get a breakthrough in the shortest possible time. In under a month to be precise!  In my experience, when we’re finally ready to take action, we want to start right away. And we also need to experience a few quick wins to build our confidence and keep us powering forward. If you or someone you know is feeling this way, here it is: Career Breakthrough

I’m watching…
Abstract, The Art of Design, which is a docuseries from Netflix. Eight extraordinary designers share their stories and their inspiration – from architecture and illustration to stage and footwear design. It’s truly fascinating to observe how creative people think, what drives them and how the events of their lives have led them to be where they are today. They seem to have found a way to hold onto and nurture their touch of genius, a window into the possible.

I’m fascinated…
By Generation Z/GenZ or the iGeneration. Yes, there is such a thing and you may well have one one or more in your life. GenZ’s were born around the mid 90’s and have been described as digitally wired, practical pragmatists who are brand managers at heart – with an eight-second attention filter. I need an emoticon here! To put their upcoming business lives into context, Kevin Kelly, the Digital Visionary gives us a twenty-year snapshot of our emerging cognified/AI world in his TED talk. This is the world this group of young people will be working in and ultimately steering.

I’m witnessing…
The power of collective consciousness with a huge antidotal heartwarming wave of compassion, community, and collective resilience following the Manchester bombing. And a new trend – thousands of people have had a bee permanently tattooed on their bodies in solidarity. In Kabul this week over 80 people were killed in a massive car bomb.Yet more incomprehensible, destructive human acts and it got me thinking about all things war and peace, love and hate. The Dalai Lama gives us perspective in his article: A Human Approach To World Peace

I’m humbled…
By the response to my new masterclass. In answer to some of your questions, yes, there is an in-depth eight-week course on this topic, which I will tell you more about in my next missive, and yes, it can be tailored for teams and organisations. If you missed the free masterclass itself, you can watch it here: Build A High-Impact Personal Leadership Brand.

The Big Q I’m asking… 
“Am I truly showing up?” This conscious Q is helping me to be fully present. It’s a little tricky as I find it’s all too easy to show up for others, but not necessarily for self. And it needs to start with self, otherwise, it’s not deeply rooted in authenticity. I’m working on it…[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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