One of my clients is an entrepreneur of note. Having worked with him last year on his own personal & leadership brand, I am now working with all of the heads of the companies that he invests in. From my perspective, its interesting to see that there are a number of key common traits in the people that he is backing. From his perspective, he has chosen these people and their ideas based on a gut feeling. When it comes to the wire, he relies on his intuition.
And I find that these savvy smart people who seem to embody the word success really do use and trust their intuition more than most. They take all the knowledge that they can gather using their five senses, and combine it with the one thing that is difficult to quantify. They research, analyse, logically work through the data and assuming it stacks up, then tap into a wisdom or ‘knowingness’ that just has nothing to do with facts or figures. In my clients’ words… “there are so many similar ideas, technologies, services – assuming that there is a level playing field, the only thing to bet on is the people involved.” Interestingly, he has bet on people with healthy personal brands… they are compelling to their markets, absolutely authentic and consistently consistent.