
Conscious Capitalism Conference, May 21st – 24th 2012, Boston

Cause the Effect, Conscious Business, Conscious Capitalism, Conscious Leadership, Corporate Leadership Brand, Impact, Insight, Leadership, Leadership Brand, Louise Mowbray

I am really excited to be attending the 4th Annual Conscious Capitalism Conference in Boston in May.  If this is for you, the time to book is now!  Let me know if you are attending, it will be great to see you there.

Conscious leaders driving conscious businesses is informing what we do and how we do it today.  The tipping point has occurred and we are seeing people in business and government talking about ethical capitalism, moral capitalism and conscious capitalism freely – a great concept perhaps?  So when and how and what can we do to move the conceptual into reality?  And why do it?

As the ‘old school’ theories, concepts and road-maps around being a great leader are tested and found lacking in our businesses, communities and world today, the rise of conscious leadership is driving a better, smarter way forward.  We all know that culture is top down.  If you are the leader or part of the leadership team in your organisation, you are responsible for the culture you create and the quality of relationships you have with all stakeholders internally and externally.  You are consciously, or indeed perhaps unconsciously, causing the effects you see around you.

A great starting point in informing your take on this is Firms of Endearment – How World Class Companies PROFIT from Passion and Purpose by Raj Sisodia, Jag Sheth and David B. Wolfe.  Happy reading 🙂

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