I wrote an article on Coaching ROI in February 2011 and have been researching ever since. According to the Manchester Group, the organisational benefits of coaching include:
- Improved Relationships – 77%
- Improved Teamwork – 67%
- Improved Job Satisfaction – 61%
- Improved Productivity – 53%
- Improved Quality – 48%
- Are 180% more energised
- Are 155% happier in your job
- Are 108% more engaged at work
- Love your job 79% more
- Are 59% more motivated
- Have 40% more confidence
- Achieve your goals 30% more
- Contribute 25% more
So how do we measure this to deliver a real ROI? The Science of Happiness at Work™ is a great diagnostic. And if you are feeling frugal and can’t justify the small spend, just take a snapshot of the number of days your people are off sick, the number of discretionary hours they contribute, the amount of time they are engaged in what they do and how productive they really are? Do a simple calculation and you will begin to realise the monetary value of all of the above.
Research tells us that organisations spend all of their coaching budget (and I can second this) on their top 20% high potentials. Ten to fifteen years ago, we focused on coaching to lift people from the bottom up. We now understand we need to invest in high potentials. After all, they carry the entire organisation and set the culture for the next wave.