
Do you have a Disruptive Mindset?

AI, Business Trends, Career & Business, Cause the Effect, Change and Transition, Conscious Leadership, Culture, Futures, Innovation, Insight & Inspiration, Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Strategic Foresight, Transformation, Trends & Innovation

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In today’s competitive world of work, we know it’s not enough to innovate. We need a disruptive mindset to sense, identify and seize opportunities that others may not have the wherewithal to pursue. But what does this really mean? How can we foster this mindset for ourselves?

Recently, I have been lucky enough to contribute to a global innovation programme for leaders at all levels, which will be released in the next couple of months. For those who know me well, you’ll know that I love this stuff. I love finding better, smarter ways of doing things. Saying this, not everyone embraces change. Change, more often than not, equals resistance.

My big takeout… 
Is all around tech, science and people. If we accept that tech and science already can, or will be able to do most conceivable things, the big Q is all around our mindsets, or our beliefs and our relationship to it. Are we consciously disrupting and defining our future, or are we being disrupted?

I recently read…
A post from a friend that made me laugh. She had her iPhone in her hand and was asking Siri for some info, however, was mistakenly calling Siri Alexa. She was startled when a voice from the back of the room (Alexa) answered. How funny. We all laughed, it’s an easy thing to do. Saying this, not so long ago, this would have lived somewhere in the worlds of trends, futures and foresight. Change is quick, it’s exponential and actually, it’s way easier to adapt to than we might realise. We are all embracing it constantly with things that make our lives easier.

If you were schooled…
In the way I was, one had to either choose the sciences or humanities as an education track. This means that most leaders today, who were schooled in the former, believe that being innovative, creative, agile, disruptive is something that other people do. And yet we all have this thing. We are all capable of thinking this way. We just need to switch it on and shift our relationship to what this looks, feels and sounds like.

This all-important Q… 
About what it means to have a disruptive mindset, and how we can set our own thinking free is critical if we, our teams and companies are to thrive. 
Innovation is just the byproduct of mindset, both individual and collective. A mindset prepared to have fun with what if, what else and why not now?


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