
Lead Into The Future, Today

AI, Business Trends, Career & Business, Conscious Leadership, Futures, Innovation, Insight & Inspiration, Leadership

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I’ve been actively tracking the abundance of thought leadership around The Future of Work and there seem to be three very human reactions to this all-encompassing topic. The first is to ignore it and hope it goes away. The second is to wait until it becomes a personal threat and the third is to ponder the impact on self, family, friends, team and beyond. There are those too who are taking action – thank you for your insights, observations and chewy, messy conversations!

I think it’s time…

To take the ‘shock’ out of our exploration of futures in general. We have all dined spectacularly well on fear-mongering. Truth be told, we are in the future now, and now, and now… and we all have the creativity, innovative and agile thinking we need. For some, it’s about waking up and re-accessing and igniting this natural human ability. For others, it’s honing our skills, thinking and application to refine how we do what we do.

As leaders at all levels…

We are (hopefully) well schooled in what it takes to Lead Into The Future, Today. Conscious, Whole, Empathetic Leadership and many more in the same vein are de rigueur. In short, as the Managing Partner in a Legal firm I work with recently told his people, “it’s time to get out of your heads and into your hearts”. We know that AI can/will deliver many of the rules-based tasks the legal and other professions perform and it’s time to serve all of our stakeholders better. We must both think and feel our way forward from a wholistic head, heart and gut perspective.

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So how…

Do we get to leading with our heads and hearts and trusting our gut instinct/intuition? Interestingly, the human heart has a heart-brain composed of about 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn and remember making it innately intelligent, and our gut produces about 90% of our serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter, aka the “happy hormone”.

When we understand that the heart and the gut play a direct part in our intelligence, awareness and ability to be resilient and creative, we’re able to lean into showing up with our whole selves. If you would like to understand how Emotionally Intelligent (EQ) you are, you can take the Lumina Emotion Assessment, which will deliver the insight you need.

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My huge sense of urgency…

Is in helping leaders to know themselves well and to master their growth and development. When we do this, we are able to transcend any limiting foibles and find better, smarter ways forward. Right now, I’m truly fortunate to be involved in contributing to a new global Innovation model to help leaders access and use their innovative thinking and shall let you know when it’s ready to roll.  Send me a mail if you would like to explore this for yourself and/or the leaders in your organisation.

Have you evaluated…

Where you and your people are in terms of the World Economic Forum’s predictions of the top ten skills for 2020? Do you have the skills you need?  If you feel there is room to improve, give me a shout and let’s talk about what you can do to change your trajectory.


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