
Louise’s Life Hacks: Trendwatching’s 5 Trends for 2019, Conscious Capitalism, Collaborative Intelligence, Innovation & The Big Q?

Career & Business, Insight & Inspiration, Trends & Innovation

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If you read one thing this side of Christmas, it has got to be Trendwatching’s report, “5 Trends For 2019“. And then read it again in the new year!  

I love Trendwatching. Year after year their trendspotters around the world pick up on what’s going on in local markets, collectively delivering insightful, valuable global reporting. This report reaffirms the key underlying themes we are all voting for with our wallets, time and energy; authenticity, self-improvement, fairness, playful interaction and authentic values.  A powerful counterbalance to all of the political fearmongering and algorithmic manipulation we are pummeled with on a daily basis.

These themes are played out in five trends:

  1. LEGISLATIVE BRANDS: Progressive consumers will welcome the ‘law of the brand’.
  2. LAB RATS:  Why an extreme test and fix mindset is the future of wellness.
  3. OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS:  A bold new frontier for sustainability.
  4. SUPERHUMAN RESOURCES:  It’s time for our emerging AI overlords to play fair.
  5. FANTASY IRL: Imagined and real worlds collide in the name of play.

Do you ever get the sense we are moving incredibly fast? All of this took me back to 2012, only six short years ago when I attended Conscious Capitalism‘s 4th annual conference in Boston. This movement, along with others in a similar vein, was just coming of age and I was a newly qualified Conscious Leadership Coach. “Profit with Purpose” not only spoke to our hearts and minds – it was, at that time, already proving to be more profitable, which is always a powerful motivator.  

Today, the thinking and approach of old-school leaders, businesses and brands are a fast-dying breed. And who would choose to put their hard-earned cash or indeed their working hours into companies, products and services lacking this emergent ethos?  

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I’m curious…

To hear of your big takeaway from this report? What does this mean for you, your leadership team and your business? How are you working with these 5 mega-trends today and into the future? Has this shifted your perspective? When you have a minute, please send me a mail – I would love to hear your feedback.

I am hugely aware… 

That one of the greatest leadership and business challenges in the not-too-distant future will be around partnering with way more stakeholders. We may well employ fewer/more people (the jury is still out on this) as robotics and AI change the skills landscape. Saying this, we will definitely need to work more closely with the complexities of a far greater number of partners in order to build successful businesses and careers. In this WBECS clip, Dr Peter Hawkins, Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School talks about developing our Collaborative Intelligence to build vital relationships for the future.

I’m excited…

About 2019 and looking forward to working with clients who are innovating, changing, creating, shifting, leapfrogging, bridging, re-engineering, imagineering, revolutionising, trailblazing, spearheading and above all, developing themselves and their teams to lead into the future. If this sounds like you, send me a mail and let’s explore how we may work together.

The Big Q I’m asking…

“What else and what if?” These conscious Q’s keeps curiosity front of mind, which gets the creative juices flowing and allows me to get what I might otherwise have missed…

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