
Louise’s Life Hacks – 25 April 2017

Louise's Life Hacks

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I’m creating…
The last few months have been a mind-boggling, brain-scratching learning curve.  I have just released a brand-new online masterclass and I had no idea how much tech stuff I would have to learn to get it done.  It’s finally out and I would really love your feedback.  Please let me know what you think – does it work for you, does it deliver the promised value?  It’s free and you can watch it here: Build A High-Impact Personal Leadership Brand.

I’m reading…
Good friend and colleague Gina Hayden’s fabulous first book “Becoming A Conscious Leader: How To Lead Successfully In A World That’s Waking Up”.  If you are interested in the topic, this is an absolute must-read.  And if you’re a note-scribbler and page-corner-turner go for the book rather than the Kindle version as there are so many ‘light-bulb’ moments.

I’m learning… 
Otto Scharmer (Theory-U) and team at the Presencing Institute, MITx have just launched a new programme From Ego- to Eco-Systems u.Lab 2x, which I have enrolled in.  Have a look if you are interested in moving from a business mindset of self/ego to one of economic transformation for the greater good of all (eco).

The Big Q I’m asking… 
How do I feel? (Shifts me from thinking to feeling – I live in my head way too much!)[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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