
Be lucky…

Career, Insight, Personal Brand

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Be lucky...

Our reputations precede us… and so they should. We need others to know that we are the person that they should seek out in our area of expertise. Without this, we would forever be overlooked, miss out on opportunities that are perfect for us, perfect for our knowledge, experience and skills.

And yet I meet so many clients who are increasingly frustrated by far less qualified colleagues or competitors somehow landing the plum positions, key projects… making headway. And they feel that they should have been the one. That somehow people should have known to approach them. After all, they have more experience, know the market better.

So what is it about these interlopers, these opportunity thieves that makes them so damn lucky, so successful? What are they doing to attract what is rightly yours?

Simple stuff really… they have a strong personal brand. Their reputations are working for them, creating the luck, bringing the opportunities. How can you be lucky if no-one knows that you are good at what you do?


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