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When it comes to change in our lives I am often reminded of Neil Armstrong’s celebrated words when landing on the moon as Mission Commander of the Apollo 11 in July 1969; “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind”.  So how does this relate to change in my life, my career, my circumstances you may well ask?

The secret is in one small step at a time.  In this short, lighthearted TEDTalk Matt Cutts (Google) suggest trying something you have always wanted to do or meant to do for just 30 days – to set your goals and achieve the changes you want to make.  Rumour has it we can change habitual thinking by doing something different, one small step at a time in around 21 days.  I always advise adding a week for insurance!  So 30 days is just about right to get started…

If you are looking for a little inspiration to get going, you can read about Matt’s 30 day challenges on his blog.



Matt Cutts, TED

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Relevant: Future-Focused Leadership | Available on Amazon and all good online booksellers
