And when we are right, someone or something has to be wrong. This is universal law – the essence of duality. Right now we are seeing continuing deep conflict between North and South Korea and it reminds me of how war exists not only in the context of countries playing with nuclear warheads, but in our communities, businesses and society. What if there were no duality? What if being right and making wrong were absorbed into a determination for peace? Surely if this intention, this determination were front of mind, peace would at least stand a chance, if not prevail?
And it’s far too easy to observe what is occurring on our television screens as events far removed from our reality. What if we turned our attention to our lives, our businesses, our communities where we can make an impact? Afterall, not all of us are public figures!
So, how about playing for peace in your boardroom? With your clients, suppliers, and co-workers? I witness mini-wars going on constantly within organisations. And business has the greatest influence on society today. Getting conscious of your role in having peace front of mind is a great place to start. And collectively we are powerful, the ripple effect cannot be contained.
A great place to start is a focus on stakeholder relationships. Give me a call if you want to explore how you can start causing ripples 🙂
Note: Thank you Jackie Freemantle MacHattie for the acronym.