
2016: Seemingly Irrational Choices Made By Seemingly Rational People

Business, Business Trends, Change and Transition, Conscious Leadership, Current Affairs, Transformation

Whew, what a month.  If you are anything like me, you may well be scratching your head at 2016’s seemingly crazy choices made by seemingly rational people. My interest in behavioural economics has been revived!

Saying this, the warning bells have been clanging for some time and movements like Conscious Capitalism or organisations focused on “Profit with Purpose” have been steadily rising since the financial crisis started in 2008 – in parallel to our global levels of ‘fedupness‘.  And this in my view is where we can all begin to construct and foster a more conscious way forward.

We know there is often a stark, tough breakdown before we get to a much-needed breakthrough.  It doesn’t make the situation or the choices we are faced with any easier, only insightful and ever more urgent.

So, in our societal and economic world of deep polarisation, what do you choose?  Are you caught up in the drama or are you able to lift your head above the parapet and gain perspective?  We know we need to get more creative, innovative and agile in business.  And if you have been sitting on the fence, now seems like a pretty smart time to get shifting.

As ever, we need to develop ourselves before we can begin to lead others and our organisations more effectively.  With this in mind I have prepared an overview on everything you need to know before embarking on a coaching, mentoring or developmental engagement.

And when it comes developing others and our businesses, I have also included six dynamic conversations we are having right now around aligning your strategy and leadership culture.

Because the buck stops here, right?

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